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About Us

Get to know us

We Can’t Help Everyone, But Everyone Can Help Someone

Nirmaan Rehabilitation Facility is a residential rehabilitation center that has been started with the aim of treating individuals suffering from chemical dependence such as drug addiction and alcoholism. All the counselors and therapist at Nirmaan are trained, well skilled in the field of substance abuse and family therapies and totally dedicated to the cause. Nirmaan possessed a strong belief in love, care, prayer and meditation and prefers living a Drug & Alcohol free life.

If It’s Addicting, It’s Not Life-Changing
Your future is worth more than any high


Know our past

We are several friends who grew up suffering with Addiction and have experienced it to a chronic phase what had compelled us witnessing the bottom of life because of the Drug Epidemic. Many of us came from different background and identity with a unique storyline but our end was same that we came into a recovery going under treatment. We are maintaining our sobriety by following the 12 Steps Program and the Spiritual Principles thereon living and enjoying a life without Drugs and Alcohol today. Before calling us a Member of Nirmaan, a Counselor of Substance Abuse or a Service Provider, we prefer calling us as “Recovering Addict”. Before setting up Nirmaan, each one of our staff was already working in the field of Rehabilitation System in different places of North-East. Nirmaan has enforced some ethics for the staffs which are to be followed without fail