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What to Expect

What to Expect

Addiction is progressive and considered as cunning, baffling, powerful and chronic disease. Addiction is a family disease and it is proved to be grown in the dysfunctional families. Addiction is a gradual progression and so thus it is to be understood that the treatment and recovery process takes time. Many people who suffer from addiction reportedly have a “Co-Occurring Disease” which means along suffering with the primary disease of addiction, they have at least one mental health issue. This can be an anxiety disorder, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), Acute Depression, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), Bipolar Disorder, a Borderline Personality Disorder, or Schizophrenia. Service Providers at Nirmaan are well aware of these phenomenon. The treatment provided at Nirmaan is Evidence-Based which means after thorough orientation of a Patient, Nirmaan individualized the treatment policy depending upon facts and events related to the Patient. Service Providers & the Yoga therapist at Nirmaan carried out each activity inside the center for better improvement of the Patient. Moreover, Addiction as a family disease can predispose someone to addiction on the basis of the function-ability of the family, but it is not a guaranteed all the time for everyone. The fact is that no one factor is sufficient to grow addiction in someone. The disease has been influenced by many factors including biological, environmental, geographical and various level of life stresses and circumstances.

"Addiction begins as a search for solace but ends as a master of destruction."

Recovery from addiction cannot be achieved overnight.

It’s a process. Even in some particular cases, recovery from Addiction becomes a very long term & painful process for an addict and as well as for the people related to the addict. Drug addiction and alcoholism is a relapse prone disease. Maintaining sobriety and clean time depends upon the individual who has to follow the guidelines set by Nirmaan which includes following 12 step program, scheduled follow ups with the center, applying the rehab learning in mainstream and attending Anonymity Based meetings regularly. After getting released from the course on completion, Nirmaan use to support the Patient in all the above required activities so that he can maintain his sobriety in the long run. Here, the role of the family is much more important as because it has been proven that Families who actively participate in the treatment process can also better understand their loved ones and how they feel.